It's perfectly natural to have the urge to jot down your thoughts. We've been expressing ourselves from our very beginnings. Moreover, since the inception of languages as a form of communication, there's been the need to pen things down as a rule. You can call it what you will; a log book, diary, journaling, the list. It all comes down to the very need of emptying our thoughts and seeing them outside our minds. A very purposefull venture.
Organizing ourselves on paper is a functional and clarifying way to execute and examine ones reason, needs and a memory timeline for storytelling. It's keeping track and most of all, for remembering our accountability. We tend to keep interest in the things that are important to us. It also allows us to be become better at what we do.
Starting ones day with a vision of our intents and purposes is associated with increased performance and productivity, according to a study conducted by the Harvard Business School. It's been said that we do not learn from experience, rather we learn by reflecting on our experiences. A better communicator on paper may well cite a better speaker and instructor in action.
Writing is a creative thought process, buying time to articulate how we wish to learn and perceive. The more we write, the better we tend to get at it. Learning to think on paper, to problem-solve and produce in an effective way that enables us a bird's eye view. It gives us pause for reflection as well, bringing a diffusion to anger and the resolve of peace of mind.
Journaling our thoughts can help us with important decisions and it can help to transform us through difficult emotions like grief and loss. It can prepare for the day ahead and process the day that's been. It's in many ways an exercise, best started in a small act that when repeated becomes voice and habit to getting down to the job.
Keeping track of ones thoughts releases us, organizes us and pacifies us in a most gentle and solitary way. It can help to reveal and sort the activeness of the emotions, the body and the spirit. It can crystalize our goals and enable us to see what needs work. This self-motivating and self-inspiring practice can elevate us to be driven to do and be greater things.
Imagine a world where people thought things well-through before they acted. Recalling and reviewing what their day meant and how to do better tomorrow. Your most personal effort working toward a better understanding, human connection and community. Then think to yourself... what a wonderfull world.